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We have a distinguished panel of culinary experts leading our cooking classes during our Winter session. Some of the names and faces are perhaps familiar to you, and other instructors are new to our school. We know, because you've told us, that our instructors are the best and definitely know what they're doing. Join their excitement as they lead us through a collection of great experiences!

Jean Pierre Auge
Ed Bartush
Aimee Blume

Lelia Gentle
Monique Jamet Hooker
Nina McGill
Cindy Milem
Peg Neireiter
David Pampuch
Doug Rennie
Jonathan Sackett
Mike Sackett
Shelly Sackett
Scott Schymik
Deena Stovall
Jason Watson
Cathy Webb
Virginia Willis


Chef's Hat

Many of our instructors have restaurants or do in-house or delivered catering. Each one of them is an expert in what they do and we know you'll enjoy getting acquainted with their full range of skills. We would be happy to put you in touch with just the right someone who can assist you with your needs. Just give us a call!

If you are a culinary professional and would like to join our distinguished faculty, please contact us at the store. We'd love to meet you and explore the possibilities!


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