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CELEBRITY CHEF CLASS - Monique Jamet Hooker
"Baked & Unbaked Desserts"
Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 1:00pm

CrepesWe don’t often ask cookbook authors to return to our school twice in three months, but in the case of MONIQUE JAMET HOOKER she is popular enough with our students to make this exception.

On Saturday, August 28, beginning at 1:00 p.m. (Please note the time!) MONIQUE will teach us to make some BAKED & UNBAKED DESSERTS ($55). Pie Two Ways shows us how to make both a Tatin and a Croustade, very different, yet using essentially the same ingredients. The luscious Olive Oil Cake turns into a Plum Upside Down Delight. We’ll also enjoy some Orange Zest Crèpes with Walnut-Apple Confit, and some Fresh Pears with Honey-Pomegranate Glaze and Peppered Persimmon Coulis.

Monique will also be teaching another great class this session:

Friday, August 27 at 6:30 pm:
Vegetable Entrees

What can I say about our friend MONIQUE JAMET HOOKER, author of Cooking with the Seasons; a Year in my Kitchen (1997)? She’s bossy, she’s brassy, she’s brilliant! She was raised in Brittany, and came to this country as a young girl. She taught young Jacques Pepin (English, not cooking), although they have remained friends for many years. She has also taught many chefs to cook, both at Kendall College and at the Culinary and Hospitality Institute of Chicago. MONIQUE has been here on eight different occasions. On each occasion, her classes have sold out, most very quickly.

Please NOTE the unusual times for both these classes. We take MONIQUE whenever we can get her to come. She’s that good, and we enjoy her that much! Please don’t wait to sign up for these; we expect they will fill, and fill us, completely.


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