A Cook's Companion
20th Anniversary
Braise and Roast
Braise and Roast
Braise and Roast
Staub Special
Braise and Roast
recipeone Red Wine Braised Short Ribs
How to Braise
Cover Pot and Cook
Finished Short Ribs
recipetwo RECIPE: Braised Pork Shoulder with Apples and Onions
Serve with parsnips and brussels sprouts
Essentials for Roasting and Braising
What is Roasting
recipethree RECIPE: Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini and Braised Chard
To Braise Chard
Roasting Veggies
Braise and Roast
Jennifer, Paul, and the Entire Staff at A Cook's Companion

A Cook's Companion
197 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY

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