Become your own pitmaster and embrace low-and-slow cooking! With today's excellent outdoor cooking set-ups, managing low temperature cooking and infusing smoky flavor is easier than ever!
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JUNE 2015
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 - 6:30pm, $40
Julie Witten - Witten Farms and Gayle Shank - Cooking School Coordinator, The Cook's Shop
Our second "teamed" class with Witten Farms. Julie will be on hand to teach the techniques behind the proper growing and storage of fresh strawberries while Gayle will demonstrate a variety of strawberry recipes from cakes to jam! Class is limited to 16.
Sunday, June 14, 2015 - 2:00pm, $45Jamie Heydinger - Chef Jamie will introduce us to a different type of smoking focusing on fish and vegetables. He will teach us about cold smoking, which is used to enhance flavor, as well as hot smoking. Learn to smoke a variety of foods as well as ingredients to add a gourmet touch to every day meals. Class is limited to 16.
PIZZA ON THE GRILL - OFFERED TWICE! Saturday, June 20, 2015 - 2:00pm, $40 Tuesday, June 30, 2015 - 6:30pm $40
Jerry Bedilion- Foodie, French and English Teacher, Warren Schools Those who know Jerry, know him for his love of teaching French and English in the Warren school system. He is also an avid gardener and a food aficionado. Join us for what has always been a very entertaining hands-on class with fabulous pizza! We'll be baking in both charcoal and gas grills outside on the patio. Recipes will include: The Perfect Dough, fresh Garden Sauce, and a special olive oil mixture to brush on your crust. Mangier! Everyone will have the chance to roll their own dough and make their own pizza. Class is limited to 14. Due to the popularity of this class we're offering it twice - sign up early to guarantee a spot!
JULY 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015 - 6:30pm, $50
Dave Rudie-son - Chef, da Vinci's This is our most popular class, hands down, so call quickly if you want a seat! You'll learn to cook perfect rice, select the proper ingredients (Dave will cover both seafood and vegetable sushi) and roll your own. If you're lucky, Dave will make up a few rolls of Hot Dog Sushi too! Each participant will take home their own bamboo sushi mat. Class is limited to 14.
Saturday, August 1, 2015 - 2:00 pm, $45
Jerry Bedilion - Foodie, French and English Teacher, Warren Schools and Dagmar Kupsche
Do you want to serve perfect steaks, chicken and ribs all the time? Learn to cook with a "sous vide"! Water ovens cook to the internal temperature of foods and cannot be over cooked... ever! They are like a slow-cooker and microwave wrapped into one. Jerry will cook the perfect steak and Crème Brule in the Sous Vide! Dagmar will make vegetables, ribs, and chicken. Class is limited to 16.
Sunday, August 9, 2015 - 2:30 pm, $45
Chad Winebrenner - Chef, Grand Pointe CenterDave Rudie - Chef, Da Vinci's Our own version of the TV show, Chopped, we're pitting two of our favorite local chefs against each other and the clock. They will each be given two baskets full of unknown ingredients, one for an entree, the other a dessert! You will be the judge, tasting, grading and awarding the title of Top Chef of The Cook's Shop! This will be the third time we've held this class/event - it seems to be more fun each time! You're encouraged to heckle, ask questions, make suggestions, post to Facebook, take pictures, tweet, text and email throughout the evening. This will be a lot of fun for all involved. Class is limited to 16, sign up early to guarantee your seat! CAKE DECORATING 101 Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 2:00 pm Dagmar Kupsche - The Cook's Shop This class will cover crumb coating, frosting the cake, stacking layers, basic borders and creating a beautiful fondant rose.This class is offered 2 ways, you may simply watch the class or participate in the hands-on process and take home a collection of useful tools. Observation: $25, limited to 6 students. Hands-On: $60 limited to 10 students, includes: Petal Cutters, Calyx Cutters, Mini Rolling Pin, Ball Tool and Foam Petal Pad.
FISH 103
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - 6:30 pm, $45
Dagmar Kupsche - The Cook's Shop
Another addition to her popular "Fish" series, Dagmar will cover everything from buying to serving along with a couple of cooking techniques including pan searing and baking. The menu is under development, as she is busy narrowing down her recipes, but will definitely be making a Fish "Chowdah". This class will fill up quickly! Class is limited to 16.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - 6:30pm, $40
Suli Wei Dickson Suli assisted in our Chinese Hot Pot class last fall and impressed us so much with her knowledge and technique that we asked if she wouldn't mind conducting a class of her own. She'll demonstrate a number of different kinds of dumplings using seasonal ingredients and the various ways to cook them. You'll learn to make the dough, roll, pinch and cook it. Learn this amazing art from a master! Class is limited to 16.
September 23, 2015 - 6:30 pm, $50
Dagmar Kupsche - The Cook's Shop
Dagmar will add to her seafood and lobster classes, combining them into one class. Scallops, Shrimp, Lobster, and Squid - oh my! Everything from purchase to table will be covered. Class is limited to 16.
Cruise into a summer mode with low and slow, smoky and spicy barbecue.